Florida GOP

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I Also Hate Nazis
I would rather live in Bartlett Park, with its crime, drugs, and litter, than spend one moment more having Nazi supremacists sympathize with me. I know I have more choices than that, but the past week has given me the perspective that where I sit ain’t so bad, after all.......more

1 comment:

  1. In the future I refuse to participate in blogs that moderate comments. I find that an insult to journalism and the free speech that journalism is meant to protect and represent.

    In the past, Cathy has changed my comments and not posted them in a timely manner. Sometimes I have had to enter them five times. Here's my reply to her.
    I think it might be good for her if she could try to wipe hate from her vocabulary. Maybe get laid or something. Works for me.

    Well, the questions BEGS asking then> WHY IS IT THAT NOT MUCH NEWS IS REPORTED ??? Just some white woman's 'imagined feeling' that deep down everyone is a racist.

    HOW, I ask, IS THAT NEWS, Cathy??

    Oh and sorry, we're NOT. (racist) Too truly, your closet racism leaked and that's exactly what everyone should have told you. Just because I consistently stand up to you it makes you all fluffed up.

    It would make you look a whole lot better if you could back yourself up with some reality and intelligence rather than snide remarks about the ignorance of others.
    It was very revealing when you said how it pissed you off for some kid to wave at his family in the courtroom. (whatever)
    And, it might help a LOT if you took the time to actually read (listen) rather than formulating what YOU want to say back instead. That's (as you may have learned in college) active listening.
    Obviously you choose to not hear too much about what other people are saying. Could be one of your problems, eh??
    It's obvious that you and Eric know each other rather well because right away (within a few SECONDS of me posting to his article) he and 'patrick' (read you) HAHA came on there and told me I was being personal with you. It's so obvious that you're a little clique.
    Never mind that you brought your liberal progressive self to MY blog and called me 'sweetie'. LOL. I don't have a problem with you other than you out of hand accused all persons of being racist because YOU are. .
    Here's a clue: Instead of 'sitting around the newsroom' how bout yall take yourselves out and report some NEWS???

    AND, if you were writing this for YOURself why is it out here on a public blog and NOT in your journal??

    Sorry to stand up to you. If you can't take the heat you should get out of the kitchen, eh?

    No one is going to call everyone 'closet racists' while I stand by, which YES, is exactly what you did.
    You and Tim Fasano. Whew. What's that tell you ??
    L O L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
