Florida GOP

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Other Ron Paul
But He Looks Like Such A Nice Guy
What I didn’t expect was that his anti-war advocacy would attract as many evident admirers from the left as it seems to have, particularly those who are dissatisfied with Democrats’ apparent fumbling of the Iraq war issue. Certainly, the message boards at liberal outlets like Crooks and Liars who’ve carried factual counterinformation about Paul have been flooded with raging defenses of the man, as have some of our comments threads.....here

1 comment:

  1. Why are you so surprised that a pro-peace person like Ron Paul is popular?

    I look forward to "the left" pursuing a pro-peace campaign but until the left can kick Nancy "I was just voting for budget bills" Pelosi to the curb I don't see that as a likely to happen.
