Florida GOP

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Army Suicide Rate Highest In 26 Years
A Quarter While Serving In Iraq And Afghanistan

The 99 suicides included 28 soldiers deployed to the two wars and 71 who weren't. About twice as many women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan committed suicide as did women not sent to war, the report said........here

1 comment:

  1. What a sick strawman argument. Who and where are these liberals calling anyone baby and women killers?

    Keeping them out of a war based on whatever the lie du jour is. Fighting for their health benefits when they get home from the bullshit war. Fighting to get them body armor and up armored humvees, fighting to keep them from having to do two, three, four, five times the deployment they signed up for. Fighting to get them out of a quagmire (see Cheney 1994).

    Your fight, keep them there forever. Now that's support. How about fighting for a draft so they can get a break, or enlisting yourself, your wife, sons, and daughters. I guess disgusting accusations is all the help you can muster. That and your faded yellow ribbon magnet. Pathetic.
