Florida GOP

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Florida's Representative Allen
Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot
Florida state representative Bob Allen, stripped of his committee assignments this week by a house speaker seeking his resignation over a gay sex scandal, made more enemies with an apparent slur against Florida's Latino leadership........here
"The fact that he's comparing the consequences of the allegations of his sexual misconduct to the plight of dissidents trapped in Castro's gulag is at best absurd and at worst insulting. He needs to go," Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera

1 comment:

  1. What's all this fuss?? If he were a firefighter we wouldn't even KNOW about this .... AND --- the firefighter (and allen) are still able to keep jobs. Understand I'm with the majority = he needs to go away !
    However, Rubio treats everyone ESPECIALLY the citizens like we are his personal doormats. I don't think that has anything to do with his heritage but I don't know that for a fact because I don't know him personally. I DO know some wonderful Cuban people !! And, I know some that are purty fucking arrogant. But,I'm of the thought that it's not cultural but socializing. They were raised that way.
    And that can be utilized to describe any division between people. There's good and bad in all spectrums.
    Leave people's mamas and daddies OUT OF IT.
    Bob is FUCKING STUPID. He makes a regular-run-of-the-mill representative for Florida in that regard.
    What else can they possibly train him to do?
    He'll be on unemployment forevahhhhhhhhh.
    Still -- buh bye bob.
