Florida GOP

Friday, September 7, 2007

Cops Shut Down Anti-War Press Conference


  1. What is a stoogie??? Moe, Larry & Curly???

  2. A press conference? That's sad.

    Are we protesting war here? You're going to jail girl, show a bit of pinache for your trouble. Sit down in the middle of that street and block traffic. Make that stupid horse earn its oats.

    Hell, I'd be relieved to get blocked by a war protester. I might even get out of my car and join in. About time someone got seriously pissed enough to do that. Ok, so they'd need about 20 more people to pull it off. Press conferences are for flaks, not demonstrators.

    Hell, I'd be embarassed to tell a Marine I got busted on his behalf for holding a press conference. No, dude, we parked our asses on the pavement and shut 'er down at rush hour. Mde em carry us off. Pissed off a horse cop real bad. Now, THAT's more like it.
