Florida GOP

Sunday, October 14, 2007

King George Collects $1M From Pinellas County Republicans

We only had less than 48 hours to get this together, but still between 75 and 100 folks cooked in the sun from 9am-11:30am to let King George know we're going to keep working to stop the war and save our constitution. We were moved twice, and prevented from getting within 100 yards of the president, but that's fine. ABC, NBC, the Trib, The Times, WMNF, and a couple of indies all stopped by.........here
Mike Fox 727-320-4502

1 comment:

  1. I love President Bush it's to bad he didn't stop by and ask you to sign up for the military since you despise them so bad. Florida Republicans have money are you green with envy Stoogie??? We work very hard for our money. Our motto is work hard become successful and piss of a liberal. I'd say we did a good job in Pinellas.
