Florida GOP

Friday, November 2, 2007

The End Of The Florida Everglades

The rescue of the Florida Everglades, the largest and most expensive environmental restoration project on the planet, is faltering. Seven years into what was supposed to be a four-decade, $8 billion effort to reverse generations of destruction, federal financing has slowed to a trickle. Projects are already years behind schedule. Thousands of acres of wetlands and wildlife habitat continue to disappear, paved by developers or blasted by rock miners to feed the hungry construction industry........here

So far, though, most presidential candidates have yet to utter the word "Everglades." In the only mention that has made news, Fred Thompson, a Republican, suggested he might allow oil drilling there.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, it's a great article. I've linked it to the Tampa Bay Sierra Club's news clippings. I wouldn't have seen it if you hadn't posted it.
