Florida GOP

Friday, December 7, 2007

Liberals And Ron Paul

Florida Progressive Coalition And Samm Simpson
I've taken Samm Simpson off the progressive blogroll and I couldn't possibly support her in her run for Congress at this point.......Kenneth Quinnell
I know your heart is in the right place and you and I are both deeply concerned about this nation...............Samm Simpson


  1. Hey, thanks for your willingness for open dialogue. You are a rare gem!

  2. Thanks Stogie,

    I am a progressive Democrat who supports Ron Paul. I have helped him in his primary but can not vote for him myself.

    Many progressives are more partisan than progressive.

    Ron has supported fair trade and opposed NAFTA and other trade agreements that send our jobs to Chinese sweatshops. He wants us out of Iraq. He would keep spending down and taxes low. Some "progressives" tell us the opposite of these positions will be good for us. I don't think so. If only our "progressive " friends would take the time to listen to Dr. Paul. It does not hurt to look at different views and to try to learn from others.

    The Democratic party supported a candidate for state house who refused to join his union because his mom was the Florida Democratic party leader. The big lobbies fund both parties but let Democrats pretend to be progressive as long as they don't rock the boat.

    A litmus test on abortion defines progressive for many although three decades of Republican rule have not reduced abortions. They went down under Bill Clinton. These social issue progressives support a lower standard of living for most working families.

    I am not leaving the Democratic party and will probably vote for Edwards in the primary. Democratic leaders are lucky that the Republican Party has not welcomed Ron Paul. We remain Democrats despite the surge in Republican registrations from Paul supporters.

    Sam Simpson is a well known progressive with a much bigger following than the blogger you quoted. You will do well to hear what she has to say.
