Florida GOP

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Year 2 For The People's Governor

It was typical Charlie Crist. The 51-year-old first-year governor prefers cajolery to confrontation, a sunny smile to sweeping condemnations. His centrist policies and corny aphorisms -- calling Floridians "the boss," and himself "the people's governor" -- are delivered with warm sincerity. But as Crist enters his second year in office, he's finding that sincerity may not be enough -- and his personal warmth is being met by increasingly icy responses......here

There Are Rumblings On The Republican Right Wing

1 comment:

  1. A total political flim-flam! I wonder if his values are subject to the same 'diverse thinking'. This guy is just the kind of politician that the average liberal democrat can identify with. No values.. no moral foundation.. no lasting beliefs... everything is for sale and is objective. Just like your daddy Bill Clinton taught you all to think so well.
