Florida GOP

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Florida ACLU For Impeachment

The Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida urges the National ACLU Board of Directors to call for the convening of hearings by the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives to determine whether to recommend Articles of Impeachment against President George Bush, and Vice President Richard Cheney to the House.......here

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to understand why impeach President Bush. Congress is the only body that can start a war. It was Congress, that on a bi-partisan basis voted to start the war.

    Hillary Clinton and John Edwards both voted for the war. Bill Clinton signed into law a Congressional mandate in 1998 that said regime change in Iraq was in the national interest.

    From 1998 on members of the Clinton Administration and Democratic members of Congress all said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

    So why impeach Bush?????
