Florida GOP

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Florida Losing Its Sunny Magnetism

The vast flow of people into Florida from elsewhere in the United States has been the defining feature of the Sunshine State's 20th-century history, draining swamps and spurring development, swelling the economy and shaping politics......here

1 comment:

  1. such bullshit. then who the hell are they building all these cheap zorro set dumps for??

    LOL !!
    florida didn't lose her allure. it was beaten out of her by jeb and charlie and the rest of the gambler addicts who wish to control the water and pave over everything .... anyway, all the new yorkers are already HERE. And their bretheren.

    What ever happened to the criminals who did their shit and left the rest of us alone to do our own time?

    These people SUCK.
    And, THAT is why Florida SUCKS.

    NOT because of any imagined fear of hurricanes.
    People who have lived in florida all of their lives laugh at this nonsense.

    If florida sucks now it's because they do not want people here. gets in the way of their fUCKED UP PLANS.

    Good, I hope all are happy with whom they crawled into bed.

    Makes me laugh to think about it.
