Florida GOP

Monday, January 21, 2008

Have Lunch With Samm Simposon And Ann Wright

Sunday, Jan 27, 2008
12:30pm-2pm - Ferg's 1320 Central Ave. St. Petersburg
4pm-6pm - Leo's Italian Restaurant 2900 Alt 19 Palm Harbor
If you reserve your seat now, $20 gets you fed and helps put your country back on track. Day of the event: $25 (And bring your checkbook to buy one of Ann's great books for only about $15. Autographed to boot! See http://www.voicesofconscience.com/) So for less than the cost of a lousy movie and dinner, you can get Samm one step closer to Washington, get yourself even more educated on civic responsibility, and have a great time. RSVP, send a check for $20 per event BEFORE THURSDAY to:
Samm Simpson For Congress
PO Box 228
Dunedin, FL 34697
For More Info. Mike Fox 727-320-4502

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Ann knows about Samm's support of Ron Paul. LOL.

    It would be interesting to see that reaction.
