Florida GOP

Saturday, February 16, 2008

An Antiwar Black President With An Arab-Sounding Name

Consider our present situation. Thanks to Iraq and water-boarding, Abu Ghraib and the "rendering" of terror suspects, we've achieved the moral status of a pariah nation. The seas are rising. The dollar is sinking. A growing proportion of Americans have no access to health care. Clinton can put forth all the policy proposals she likes--and many of them are admirable ones--but anyone can see that she's of the same generation and even one of the same families that got us into this checkmate situation in the first place. Whatever she does, the semiotics of her campaign boils down to two words--"same old."........here

1 comment:

  1. he's a "rock star," all flash and no substance,

    That's the most important line in that entire waste of article. I've done some reading on the history of 'the nation' LOL.
    I wish more people would follow that example.
    You won't see me advocating for either one of these 'democrats' but damn sure let's explode the myth that this 'black' dude is 'anti-war'

    He's already spouted TONS of rhetoric about bombing Iran and STANDING UP to North Korea.

    Oprah needs to get someone to coach him better.

    It matters not to anyone what color this guy is. OR his name.

    What's laughable is how many hometowns he claims.
    Every other week you're reading how he 'hopes to DOMINATE on his HOME TURF'.

    Hellooooooooooooooo you're born in ONE PLACE.

    Sorry bout that.

    L O L.

    It's ludicrous and it's obviously even WORSE than MAINSTREAM MEDIA.

    It's OPRAH SPEAK. It's like reading the fucking Tattler or Enquirer.

    It makes me laugh. And not in a good way

    Think harder.

    I get the feeling a lot of folks who are duped are going to end up in the 'watch OUT you might get what you're after' category.
