Florida GOP

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Florida Gov. Crist: Health Insurance For All

Insurance with "robust" benefits would be available for as little as $150 a month. Young adults could stay on their parents' health insurance until age 30. Every Florida child would be eligible for KidCare health coverage regardless of family income. Gov. Charlie Crist went to bat Tuesday for Florida's estimated 4 million residents without health-care coverage, and he was clearly aiming for a home run......here

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I'll just say this because someone HAS TO. They'll still get rid of those they want to by providing BUT SHITTY health care.
    Have you been to one of these lying fuckers they call doctors in tampa lately?
    I'd prefer a shaman.
    In fact, I may become one. L O L.
    Insurance til thirty, indeed. They're so desperate to keep people here until they can kill em off, wheelchair em, diabetes em, carwreck em, cancer em.... hmmm, what else?? list of made up shit.
    Even stupid people are wary of Tampa doctors. Nothing they say makes sense. Except for when it comes to their polo ponies for all the unneeded surgery they perform on foster children and state sanctioned patients. No mind the person's nose leaks the rest of their life.
    It's going to be hard performing my own implants. And, maybe painful.
    OH, that's right. I like my beautiful body just the way it is.

    But, maybe for experimental purposes.
    I suppose there's a law against doing your own implants, anyway.

    L O L.

    I guess I'll just stick with what I have.
    I was getting along pretty good without Charlie and so far, I'm not feelin it for him, AT ALL.

    I waited and watched and hoped. Probably he'll end up on the ticket with obama and then we'll be well and truly fucked.
    Ahhhhhhhh to be a democrat. NOT.
