Florida GOP

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kathy Castor Endorses Obama

Barack Obama has just received the endorsement of freshman U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor of Tampa, who also is a superdelegate to the Democratic convention.....here
“It is time for our party to coalesce around Barack Obama’s nomination for President. I ran for Congress in 2006 to fight for a new direction for our country. Senator Obama offers the most determined and coherent plan for a new direction and change and I am proud to endorse him for President of the United States.”


  1. whooo hoooo and made plenty of folks and some who even SAID SO very upset. LOL
    So, I guess that pretty much says it all about the lot of them.
    I shoulda known that april griffin was on to something. she actually seemed the most authentic. in the end everything will be okay.
    I DO wish people could learn to look past the color of skin and because someone looks LIKE THEM or LIVES BY THEM; judge the person on their actual MERITS as human beings and Americans.
    Then we'd have a decent place to call our own.
    It's way too late for that for tampa.
    Which I'm kinda glad about because Tampa is too small for people with big minds. They have some small minds in charge and if you don't fit inside there well.... FUCK YOU.
    AND, need I mention again... way too many others who just go, oh well I GOT MINE.
    Ya know what I mean???
    My thinking is they've done it for SO LONG it just feels normal.
    Doesn't make it right, of course.
    Ya know what I MEAN>>>>>>>>> LOL
