Florida GOP

Sunday, February 17, 2008

McCain's advice Miami-bred

Close aides to McCain caution that it's too early to talk about who will be their campaign's Latin American affairs advisors and that an official team has yet to be put together. But when pressed for names of who have been briefing him recently, they mention Florida's Cuban-American Sen. Mel Martinez and Cuban-American congress members Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros Lehtinen......here
Because of his steadfast support for the Iraq War and his foreign policy views molded during the Cold War, McCain would face an uphill battle to convince the world that he represents change and would bring a breath of fresh air to Washington.
That is likely to be McCain's biggest problem, abroad and at home.
Barring a terrorist scare that would put his national security credentials at center stage,
it's hard to see how he could overcome it.

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