Florida GOP

Monday, March 31, 2008

All Religions Are Fairy Tales

It looked harmless enough, but the words on a billboard un-nerved so many people that a popular restaurant nearby actually lost business..........here

1 comment:

  1. Religions ARE a fairy tale. Worse, they are a way to unite the vote and collect money. Was one thing when it wasn't done nefariously. Today they are large political groups grappling for control. (or, as usual LOL)
    Jesus Christ is NOT a fairy tale. Or whatever you want to call him/her/it.
    Because whatever you want to call it ... it never asked for no fucking religions.

    People who gather together to worship their god and perform good acts ... that's ALL religion and churches should be about.
    Here, currently, you have something else entirely.
    And, in some religions or NON-religions it's only ever been about evil and corruption. Some churches, too, of course.

    Killin in the name of ....

    When will people become more vocal on the need for impeachment and ENDING THIS ILLEGAL FUCKING WAR???

    Instead of attacking each other .... it's so fucking stupid and time-wasting.

    This is NOT a dress rehearsal.
    Oh, for the record -- atheism might be THE WORST fairy tale. Not even any heroes; just a bunch of miserable naysayers don't know a miracle when they see one. LOL.
