Florida GOP

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Florida Politicians Tackle Evolution

Foreclosures are soaring and unemployment is increasing. Florida’s shaky economy is creating a state government budget crisis leading to cuts in school and health-care spending. Meanwhile, lawmakers are devoting part of the 60-day session to evolution........here

"We shouldn't be having this kind of confrontation, as far as I'm concerned. We were ranked 50th in the nation in our science standards. That's what started this whole thing. And the Board of Education needed to do something about that. The science test scores were among the lowest in the nation.".........Sen. Nan Rich

1 comment:

  1. //Rich said Florida wants to move its economy into the 21st century by investing hundreds of millions of dollars to lure biotech companies to Florida. "Then we turn around and say we're back to [the 1800s.]," she said.//

    Another sobering quote. One of many that could be made, I suppose.
