Florida GOP

Friday, March 21, 2008

Obama/Richardson 2008

What A Nice 21st Century Couple They Make
Here are a few reasons why.


  1. I don't understand this commentary AT ALL.
    How is it progressive??
    If I move to spain and start a HUGE white community will they call it 21st century when I run for president?

    THat's ridiculous.
    Obama is hellooo in there .. NOT very progressive.
    Richardson has ties to child-molesters.
    People really SHOULD read.

  2. As well, Richardson did everything he could to block New Mexico's impeachment effort.

    And, he's known as the nuclear governor. I guess together he and Obama can put North Korea in their place.
    AND, this is what you get when you are ethnocentric.

    When anything of color walks by and you'll support it that's pretty fucked up.
