Florida GOP

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Campaign Finance Reform In City Of Tampa Elections

The idea is the brainchild of two-term city council member John Dingfelder. He wants to bar corporate and PAC donations, reduce the individual contribution from the current $500 to $200, and create more transparency of campaign contributions........here


  1. This is exactly what we need around here. Bravo to John Dingfelder for taking this stand. Unfortunately, only Linda Saul-Sena backed him up on the Tampa City Council. Miranda said we need to go in the opposite direction and raise the minimum contribution!

    Wish we could get something like this passed to limit campaign contributions in county politics! It's the only way to make the process accessible to the people, and give the people a real voice.

  2. What about OH SO PROGRESSIVE what's her name? Jen Granholm's sister?? What's her name??

    Oh another indication that she is NOT SO PROGRESSIVE. L O FUCKING L.

    Oh yeah, Mary Mulhern. NOT SO PROGRESSIVE. Just another fucking trickster.

    She hasn't even PRETENDED to be progressive on city council

    YOU GO Mr. Dingfelder. I've never been happier that I inadvertently helped someone who I really felt was part of the problem. I guess not. I was supicious of mulhern from the start. The only thing that stopped me from dogging her was that SOMEONE told me she was the real deal on the social security STOP THE SO CALLED REFORM.
    I guess either she was faking it or that person is a fucking liar. OR, perhaps it was ms. mulhern herself.

    Are any tampa so-called progressives going to DEMAND that ms. mulhern BE progressive or just pretend that she is until you get what you came for??

    Cause I'm so watching you....
    + I'm so disappointed in you.
