Florida GOP

Monday, April 28, 2008

Dean: Clinton Or Obama Must Drop Out In June

Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean said Monday that either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Obama must drop out of the Democratic presidential race after the June primaries in order to unify the party by the convention and win the election in November.........here

1 comment:

  1. Dean needs to cash his chips in.

    He has NO RIGHT to ask any other American to do ANYTHING.

    He's for social security 'reform' when there is no such animal.
    Dean is playing a bad game with the United States, the Democratic Party and his own integrity.
    I was just going to blog this today, anyway ...
    I don't trust Dean and I hold him at least fifty percent responsible for the fucked up state of things in Florida and Michigan.
    I have a letter from him where he asks dems to rate what is most important to them.
    When I saw 'social security reform' on the list and NOT impeachment I knew Dr. Dean's time was up.
    His true colors slithered to the surface and now I, for one, am no longer fooled.
    His fifty state strategy must be about something else than electing a Democratic President.
    He just wants to elect HIS choice.
    Too DAMN BAD.
    His choice is a racist.
