Florida GOP

Friday, April 25, 2008

No New Waterfront $tadium



  1. Are they at this again? I lived there while the Thunderdome (or whatever they ended up calling it) was being argued over and built, and then I watched as they built another football statium right next to the old stadium in Tampa, now this?

    Seldom (as in never) do these things get built without taxpayer contributions -- massive amounts. I think most people are more interest in roads, schools, and integrity in the Government than they are padding the already deep pockets of another stinking sports franchise that no one really gave a shit about anyway.

    Go Devil Rays. Or as some would say, Go Away.

  2. Two more things, then I'll go back to lurking.

    I forgot to ask, who is this Hines construction? Any relation to the Hines asshat who sits on the GA State Supreme Court by chance?

    The other is usury. I spent many summers in St. Pete as a kid, having a few aunts and Uncles who lived there. That portion of the coast is now being inundated by property taxes which are skyrocketing due to usury fees.

    Damnit people, stop borrowing money to help these damned carpetbagging developers and their local shills in the government. Toss these bums out on their asses, or you will end up losing your valuable properties when they take it by force due to financial distress via tax sales or bankruptcy. Or be prepared to relocate waaay inland.
