Florida GOP

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Parents of Beaten Teen, Blame YouTube And MySpace

1 comment:

  1. This is a tragedy and a horrific event of abuse, rage, anger and violence, but the problem does not lie in the internet. It's the breakdown of a culture and a society that has glorified war, militarism, sex, drugs, materialism and competition over cooperation during the last thirty years. It's the loss of civics and education in our high schools, teaching kids to test and not to think. Taking away the internet - which is the last bastion of free speech and information not found anywhere else - is not the answer. The only answer to this kind of violence and mayhem is a moral and spiritual and educational revolution within the heart of man. Wires, software, hardware and waves of light do not cause this violence. It emanates from the heart of a fallen man.

    My heart goes out to these parents for the suffering they have endured. And to their lovely daughter who has received this terrible, frightening and unspeakable abuse.

    And may those who perpetrated this horrible injustice be awakened to the tragedy that their lives have become, be ever sorrowful for their actions and, at some point in their lives, be outspoken against the very violence that they are now trapped by.
