Florida GOP

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Victor Dimaio Claims DNC Is Racist

South Carolina and Nevada were allowed to hold their primaries before February 5th because the high percentage of blacks and Hispanics in those states helped compensate for the pasty complexion of Iowa and New Hampshire. That's the basis for an amended legal filing planned by Tampa Democratic activist, Victor Dimaio.........here


  1. He is an embarrassment.

    Anyone throwing the race card around these days is part of the problem.

    He did not fall far from the tree.
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    You know what they say about racism, right? The first one to pull the card is the true racist.


    What an embarrassment to the community. Why does anyone listen to him anymore??

  2. i agree with Victor dimaio and im sick and tired of the way we the floridians have been treated and half is not constatutioal and i magainst it and howard dean is against the demorcratic people and we no we got screwed when gore really won and now we are getting screwed with howard dean and the rebulicans this isent a free choice we are left out and make sure we wil lnot vote neevr alot of people and this is not the american way god wont ecxcept this and we cant stop the discrimination and half is not right and its a lie i will never vote again and either will thousnassn of floridians trust us you took away out constatutioal rights and you messed it all up its not our faulys floridians florida its the rebulicans and howard dean i dont trust him i am outragged
