Florida GOP

Monday, May 5, 2008

Florida Passes Draconian Marijuana Bill

HB 173 is now the law in Florida. This means that if you have 25 or more marijuana plants, you will be charged with a felony, because supposedly you are selling or intending to sell your crop. Apparently, while most of the country has been liberalizing their marijuana laws, Florida has chosen a retrograde path to the 1950s.........here

1 comment:

  1. This "War on Pot" is nothing but a cash cow for the judiciary and law enforcement, and a ploy which appeals to the reactionary right wing fundamentalist voters.

    Even in the face of little known research by the American Thoracic Society which shows non-detrimental, sometimes even positive, health effects from its use, these laws are pursued. It's just another stab at vulnerable, average America.
    No Link Between Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer
