Florida GOP

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Joe Garcia's Summer Leadership Program

1 comment:

  1. There are two things that I am concerned about Joe Garcia:

    1. He is a former director of the the Cuban American National Foundation, created by Ronald Reagan's government with the specific purpose of destabilizing Cuba. He has not renounced that former affiliation.

    2. He continues to support the Cuba embargo.

    Having said that, I would like to point out that he would probably be preferable to Lincoln Diaz Balart, but I am still concerned that will will join the Gang of 66 of which I have talked in my blog.

    When I emailed him asking if he was still in favor of supporting the embargo, all I got was a response from someone in his group asking for my phone number. I refused.

    I will remain neutral on his candidacy, because he still supports the embargo. But in some other areas he may be an improvement over the Batistiano who represents that congressional district.
