Florida GOP

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Obama: I Love Florida

Showing that the delegates in Florida and Michigan are on the mind of voters as well as Democratic presidential candidates, a woman at Barack Obama’s town hall meeting here asked Obama about ceding a state to Hillary Clinton.......here

1 comment:

  1. Florida DO NOT love him back.
    And, btw, neither does Michigan.

    LMAO !!
    geez ... can you overlook ANYTHING else in favor of someone?
    This is NO TIME to have a stranger in the White House.
    At least we know who the clintons are and I don't think they'll put arnold the terminator in as secretary of WAR.
    he loves war.
    dude, get real.
    I'm kinda stunned at the thinking people I know supporting No-Bama.
    Nothin personal.
