Florida GOP

Friday, May 9, 2008

President Barack Obama


  1. LMAO !! I thought yall were all in fear for his life and such.
    I wouldn't be presumptuous. He's turning a lot of people off with thise street 'i won i won'.
    it really is a turn off. it's like romperroom.

  2. He will be a great improvement compared to what we currently have in the White House.

    I dare everyone to be audacious and hopeful.

    Obama 08!

  3. look closer cuba look closer.
    Or should I say look harder look harder .....
    clinton ain't all that but she's not the anti-christ of oprah, either.
    look harder, my friend.

  4. oh and since when have we decided to select a president??? A PRESIDENT by he's better than what we have now.
    that's twisted. Seriously.
    Things don't go over well in typing but cuba that's about the 150th time I've read that comment and thought the same thing.
    We shouldn't just want better by comparison.
    We have an entire country of people THOUSANDS of which are head and shoulders above obama. BUT, only Obama attracted Oprah's money.
    Why do you think that is?
    What I'm saying is don't take my comment personally about what has this come to that we want better by comparison>?
    My dog spot would be better than what is now occupying the white house of the American people. Just to clarify.
    Nice blog by the way ... sorry I don't have time to read more.
