Florida GOP

Friday, June 6, 2008

Republican Ros-Lehtinen Votes With Bush 85% Of The Time

2008 is not a good year to be a Republican running for office. Even the Republican leadership is saying that if the "Republican brand were dogfood, it would be taken off the shelf."........here

1 comment:

  1. The Republican brand comparison to dog food is an insult to dog food. Even without corruption and hypocrisies in the GOP (but there were plenty), it was George Bush who really squandered and sold-out the GOP.

    Bush USED and ABUSED religion (one of the oldest trick in the book). While the evangelicals thought he was going to be the devout candidate, he reall just wanted their vote so that he could continue to be the puppet while Cheney (the puppet master) can continue to be the backseat driver.

    It's all about money. The Bush administration has no desire to end the war because that would mean the end of huge profits for the military industrial complex. If there was peace or we pull the troops out, the military industrial complex would quickly lose profits. The military conflict in Iraq must continue so that we can continue to sell weapons. In fact, the longer we screw things up, the longer we will have to remain to preserve stability.
