Florida GOP

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Doug Tudor for Congress

Florida 12th Congressional District.........here

1 comment:

  1. Stogie, Thanks for bringing your readers' attention to Doug Tudor's campaign. I know Doug personally, and he's the real deal. Various big-time political operatives have told Doug to run to the center to convince the supposed moderate voters of Polk County that he will not bring radical change to the U.S. Congress. Doug refused the advice and is running for Congress as himself -- a man with a progressive heart and conservative creditionals. He has served our country as a U.S. Navy Master Chief, and he is truly one of the good guys. Since he says what he means and means what he says, he never has to consider the audience or what he should say to appeal to them -- he just speaks his mind. I am proud to be Doug's friend, and we'll be very fortunate if he gets to represent us in Congress. Please ask your readers to contribute to Doug's campaign at www.teamtudor.org. Thank you again.
