Florida GOP

Monday, March 30, 2009

Battle To Save Egmont Key

“It’s time to call in the cavalry. Deliberations in Tallahassee may seal the fate of this beloved historical island. Letters and calls to legislators are needed now if we are to muster the support to
Save Egmont Key.”............here
They will only act in our interest if we demand this of them..........Mariella

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all who urged state lawmakers to save Egmont Key! Our legislators have heard us, and we are making a difference.

    The state's draft budget now includes funding for Egmont Key as a state park!

    Eric Draper, Deputy Director of Florida Audubon, announced this good news at last night's gala event in Tampa (the 75th Anniversary of Florida Coastal Islands Sanctuaries). He stressed that the funding for Egmont Key is a direct result of the tremendous citizen support that has poured into Tallahassee in the form of our calls and e-mails. He also pointed out that it's not over until the budget is officially signed, but as of now things look good for Egmont Key.

    To those who answered the call to action:
    Next time you marvel at a bird around Tampa Bay, think of the thousands of birds born on Egmont Key each year — pelicans, terns, gulls, skimmers — and know that your e-mail or phone call helped protect one of the most significant bird nesting colonies in the southeastern United States.
