Florida GOP

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tampa To Benefit From US Cuba Trade

Back in the days before the Kennedy administration slapped an economic embargo on Cuba, Tampa shipping agent A.R. Savage & Son was at the forefront of a lucrative trade with the island. The Tampa area was a major supplier of cattle, and ships brought tobacco for the local cigar industry.............here
There was even a twice-weekly passenger ferry service.

1 comment:

  1. i'm a little astounded and a LOT appalled that you would publish this like .... 'Kennedy slapped an economic embargo on cuba' ....

    Thst's historically inaccurate, philosophically warped and doesn't even cater to the human rights issues which DWIGHT D EISENHOWER hoped to alleviate when HE DWIGHT D EISENHOWER placed the EMBARGO restrictions on cuba.

    You and whomever you lifted this link from might want to do your research a bit and I don't mean this in a haughty way.
    The Republicans (although dde was and is widely admired for his tendencies to peace) put the embargo on cuba, kennedy broadened it AS A NEW PRESIDENT and edward kennedy was THE FIRST to suggest lifting the embargo.

    Please don't allow others to spin a subject and then commit the sin ofCOMPOUNDING the ERROR without doing your reading and research.

    Saying that Kennedy SLAPPED them with an embargo is incorrect on so many levels that the blogger should write I DID NOT DO MY RESEARCH for this blog post at least five hundred times.

    Thank you.

    I'm so fucking sick of irish people hating on each other and cuban people thinking that ONLY SOME of them deserve human rights and the goddamn british and the rest of them TOO.

    We're ALL humans.

    GIT GIT GIT THAT people.

    In case anyone is in doubt, I cited three ummm Internet sources AND MY OWN HEAD (from reading, yknmow BOOKS), along with .. here's a list of the Presidents of yknow America ... BUT THIS is theMOST IMPORTANT READ so you can try to remember what led up to this goddamn embargo.

    Fully agreeing it should be lifted but let't not THROW SHIT on JACK in the process, hey.

    We really don't have to trash jack to up obama.

    No, we really don't.

    And all the boring underworld shit that goes with it. ummm whatever. The Immortals. It's always about pussy. And don't you forget it.

    My parents and krewe told me a lot of things. Most of it I trusted in. ALL OF IT I PROVED TO MYSELF. Or tossed it out of my head.
    Suffice to say I could have let this go at ...... tell whomever you lifted that link from that they're wrong. It was a republican and it's republicans screaming for the lifting.
    Because THEY got charge of the gambliing, baby.
    They think it's all a big mystery.

    L M A O

    here's the history of cuba link because blogger DOES SUCK

    http://www.historyofcuba.com/history/funfacts/embargo.htm PLEASE READ IT.http://www.historyofcuba.com/history/time/timetbl4.htm">
    and i have no more time to spend on others' mistakes or purposeful revisionist history.
