Florida GOP

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Last Chance To Ask Charlie To Veto SB 360

Now, more than ever, your voice needs to be heard by the Governor. Yesterday he signed HB 227 into law, which is the impact fee bill. Local governments have their hands tied for the next two years to increase or add any new impact fees to pay for new development.
If SB 360 gets signed by the Governor with this impact fee law enacted, our local governments will NOT be able to ask any more for transportation impact fees than we currently have. In effect, YOU will get taxed to make up for the infrastructure that developers should be paying for to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
SB 360 has been sitting on the Governor’s desk since 5/18. He has 15 days to sign the bill (becomes law), veto it (kills it), or do nothing which would automatically let the bill become law. You are not too late to help stop this awful bill.
Gov. Crist Phone: 850-488-4441

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