Florida GOP

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kate Wants Our Vote

You know how I feel about voting. It is our civic duty to make our voices heard.

1 comment:

  1. Oh as it happens kate might have been able to NOT wear an underwire....
    the cost of a soldier's life would have bought her MUCH BETTER TITS ... katie why not go for the upgrade??? Instead of the walmart-tits.

    350 grand for a soldier's life ... katie's old man trains them while he stays home safe in her version of our GOTTA BE SECURE america.

    Those words should never pass the lips of a progressive.

    A FEMINIST would never take her clothes off for attention.

    I think that kate needs mental help or some kind of help figuring out exactly who she is before she ends up the next stephanie ragusa.

    I mean with a long history of taking her clothes off in public WHILE teaching.

    Is she also into the toe thing? Which would be okay if it wasn't slipped in by an adult as a fetish on a child.....
