Florida GOP

Friday, August 7, 2009

Right Wingers Riot In Ybor City

Glenn Beck's Minions
Democratic Rep. Kathy Castor struggled to make herself heard and eventually cut her appearance short as dozens of people shouted "Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!"........here
Who Would Have Thought People Could Get So Passionate About Protecting Insurance Company Profits?.........Out In Left Field
Stogie Sees Stupid People

1 comment:

  1. Not just glenn beck. I'm against THIS health care option, as well.

    For reasons:
    a. it's the govmint.

    b. the shriners for the first time will be taking INSURANCE (first time in history)

    c. get the connection???

    d. they're forcing people into it.

    e. if you can't afford it they'll pay for it.

    f. if you don't join they'll fine you.

    g. what the fuck is wrong with people?

    h. when the govmint is forcing something on people what about that is NOT nazi-ism????

    i. if they wanted to set it up they shouldn't have mentioned the words fining people for not joining OR forcing it on poeple OR 'helping you' pay.

    j. WHY don't you folks get that it's BULLSHIT that every american will get some letter in the mail to CHOOSE a PLAN??

    WTF is wrong with people??

    Is everyone batshit crazy but me???

    L O L.

    Maybe it will buy some new tits for kate when these wear out
