Florida GOP

Friday, September 11, 2009

Janet Coats Is Hot!

"We need to talk this through...(because) the days when people were
just grateful for the link is long gone,"........Janet Coats


  1. ROFL. ROFL. ROFL. In a kind of electronic townhall. ROFLCOPTER.
    OH MY GOD.
    Is Jznet Coats related to Jim Coats the Pinellas county sheriff being sued by the tampa fire chief bill nesmith because when bill pulled a gun on his new wife and threatened to use it on both of them bill finds it unseemly that the sheriff had teh whereewithal to arrest him?
    Because when she was janet weaver she got a dui coming off davis islansd and slapped on the wrist.. THEN she became janet coats nee weaver when she married coats who is the news director at channel 8.
    Which for MY BLOOD is a LOT TOO COZY ALL AROUND. Where the fuck to get some news anymore? Seriously? Instead of stealing from the bloggers and then not cutting them a check and trying to 'meet up' with everyone.. get up off your asses, learn to spell and write some fucking news
    AND, while you're at it. WRITE SOME REAL NEWS.
    Just like over at creative loafing WAY TOO MUCH INTERMARRYING of staff. All that coziness leads to jackshit in reality at work.
    Anyway ... let the tampa tribune steal that shit ... I know it. They konw it. Rebecca Catalanell (SPT) knows it.... they do JACKSHIT.
    Engage brain. Put pen to paper.
    Tampa Blab: Did I remember to thank you for LOSING MY LINK???
    I always wait for the best part.

    I gotta go I think another cop is being murdred by the gangsters that pam iorio imported. Lord knows how long it will take his 'partner' to get here .... long enough to be sure he bleeds to death I guess.

    I refuse to parley with any of these people.

    Hey Janet while you ego stroke your way through here babe, why not give s lookie see to why so many cops who stand or sit close to pam iorio END UP DEAD???
    She's not allowed around my family ... Of course I have to fend her off one by one ... first her scummy this employee then the other.
    Janet why not do some checking in to why SOME PEOPLE IN TAMPA can't get real fucking WATER TO THEIR HOMES???
    Why not find out why so many of those corrupt water company bastards are gangsters?
    What kind of org. would it take to put that over? Not really that much.
    Why not do some investigating on teh water quality out at the fucking JAILS????????
    There. A few projects for you to devote yourself to besides stealing from bloggers. Please. Like rebecca did it with an aggregate. ROFL
    I have to go settle a gang dispute. tampabaygangs.org is just not cutting it. NOR are these blow up doll FUCKING COPS that pam has under her or on her or whatever.. do some reporting on that, jan.
    and please disclose your relationship (if any) to the sheriff of pinellas coutny.
