Florida GOP

Friday, October 16, 2009

Florida’s Democratic Party Is Not Democratic at All

Farid Khavari, A Democratic Candidate For Florida Governor
Observers and even pundits might think Khavari would be a featured speaker at Florida’s statewide Democratic Convention, but they would think wrong. Hundreds of delegates to last week’s convention in Orlando were surprised to learn that Khavari and six other candidates were running for governor.
“State Chairperson Karen Thurman chose Alex Sink several months ago to be the anointed candidate for governor.........here


  1. Karen Thurman sends out emails from "grassroots@fladems.com" that don't come from anyone you could possibly consider "grassroots." I suspect that in Ms. Thurman's mind we (voters) are the grass under our dear leaders' feet.

    I've now been registered as an independent for several years. I don't hold with many of the Republicans' positions, and I don't feel smart or upscale enough to be a Florida Democrat, especially here in Manatee County, where as near as I can tell the local party's main skills seems to be losing elections. They're mighty good at this, and certainly don't need my
    help if this is their main objective.

  2. Why waste our time voting for the candidates of the two major capitalist parties, the Republicans or the Democrats? They are both equally corrupt.

    Every time you vote for one of them, you are encouraging them.

    Write-in NOTA.

  3. I just sent this:
    Dear Alex Sink,

    The choice is now McChrystal Clear!

    I spent decades with no one who excited me enough to get out and vote or enough to vote against.. Then our fascist friends came out of the Bushes and I polished up my registration and voted against him twice only to watch the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot. I actively campaigned for Obama, then watched him shoot America in the right temple Tuesday. I get all of the Fladem stuff, the Moveon stuff, etc., etc. I'm unsubscribing to it all. There's not a brilliant, honest, stand-up-for-something politician left in America save for a few like Wexler or Waxman and they're quitting. I'm quitting with them. I've said for decades that eventually America would sink under the weight of its own BS. So far as I'm concerned, the present President is the ultimate proof of that. Count me and millions of others out as it all sinks back into the hands of the far right

    Jack Siler
