Florida GOP

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Stogie Is 7 Years Old

Born March 19, 2003 From The Courage Of Dr. Howard Dean.
Doesn't Anyone Care About The Iraq War Anymore? What About Obama's War?
Iraq Fatalities: 4385 And Counting
Afghanistan Fatalities: 1024 And Counting


  1. Happy birthday, Stogie.

    Hubby and I were also "born from the courage of Howard Dean". That is when we became active politically. And yes we do care about all the things Democrats should be standing for and need to stand more firmly.

    I remembered something he said in 2004 about Democracy.

    "SNIP.."We can blame George W. Bush for everything that's wrong in this country for the next 28 days, and we'll be 98 percent right,” Dean said to cheers from the crowd of roughly 400 students.

    But other groups share the blame, he said.

    “The first is the Democrats in Washington for not standing up when they should have, and the second is us,” Dean said. “Because we thought somebody else was going to make democracy work in America. Democracy is like every other human creation. It's an extraordinary, beautiful thing, but it is fragile, and if you don't nurture it and take care of it, it dies.”

  2. Happy Birthday, Stogie!! Can't believe it has been 7 years! Also can't believe we've been at war so long...

    Love you!
