Florida GOP

Friday, April 9, 2010

Farmworker Freedom March

Downtown Tampa To Temple Terrace
Next Friday, April 16
Publix - 5450 E. Busch Blvd. Temple Terrace, Florida


  1. have you actually MET any of these guys? There's an agenda behind them that's not about a penny AT ALL. Not even a little. It's a shame when even Cesar Chavez' good work is dragged down like this. This makes a mockery of everything a union is supposed to do. THINK !

  2. This is a tremendous group. Perhaps you could explain just what you mean. I have followed their activism for a while.

  3. madfloridian, I'm not sure what you mean. We obviously have a divergence of opinion. I come from a strong union family .. I have walked picket lines and blocked entrances. I have had my life threatened by the local pigs who like to steal from people. I've followed their activism and even picketed WITH them at burger king. And then I went and listened to them talk at an unnamed location .... it's bullshit and bad tactics. They're well-supported by big money. This is not the simple grassroots group they purport to be ... and this perticular activity going after a store reputation by utilizing the store trademark... very bad business. They did not utilize these tactics in the BK or the mcdonald's or the tacobell pickets. They saved publix for when they thought they had some footing. I have my OWN issues with publix but in this case publix is in the right. As was likely taco bell and burger king and the others.. If you follow me you know that I have spoken up about Imokalee 'workers' before. They're NOT workers from Imokalee. I was there. I met them. I listened to them. Dual languages is a blessing. Full disclosure: I have family with publix. But that's okay because I once picketed my own job AND my mother's job while we were both employed and if I thought these folks were right I'd have my family members take the day off and we'd picket with them. The truth is: Publix is employee-owned. They take a great deal of price in what they do .. they're not the corporate ghosts that these guys got away with this with. Fuller disclosure: I was WAY over these guys back at the burger kind day when the genuine people stood out and the frauds let themselves be known. Truth is I was a bit disappointed when burger king gave in and I hope Publix stands strong. Let them take this action where it belongs. Let them PICKET THEIR jobs just as I did and just as the other union folks have done. What they are doing is yellow activism. I hope that's more clear. I've said everything I can think of that comes to mind. Other than the level of distrust for them that developed as I listened to them and watched them collecting money when I know that big money is behind them. Look a little further and if not .. that's all good. Take care.

  4. some typos there... kinda in a hurry.... they're flying in people from around the country to bully a local grocery chain. WHAT about that doesn't smack GOP? If I went down to the farm and carried signs saying what I thought of them I can only imagine the response .... Publix is not the enemy here any more than was taco bell and burger king ... these are very different animals and publix employs a great many people who are treated well and have career opportunities. Publix employs challeged people and families and treats them well. Go into a publix and see the diverse group of people employed. Publix hires immigrants and treats them equally. I was actually kind of surprised to find this out. As I said I have my own issues with publix and no I do not work there.. but in this instance yellow activism is being employed. This is not the honest activity that was utilized by cesare chavez and other unions. My Grandfather had shit put in his lunchbox organizing a union. I know. I've gotten screamed at on picket lines and threatened with arrest for wearing PEACE PINS by fascist cops ... And, again .... it's all good. Just opinion. I don't care for their tactics and I do not find their group to be honorable. Nothing I saw changed my mind. The more I saw the less I respected. I DID meet some good people who were helping them as I was but the core people have an agenda that might surprise a lot f people. I think they have met their match. Publix has done nothing wrong here.
