Florida GOP

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Stogie Is Unemployed!

Is The Economy Getting Better?
The Company I Was Working For Closed Its Doors.


  1. I am sorry to hear that, although I think this will mean more time for blogging.

    Dont know what you do, but if you want to forward your resume, I will get it to a few friends.

    Best of luck.

  2. Ah, Stogie, that sucks. Bad.

    I'm sorry -- I don't know of any job openings right now, but I have a couple of list-serves that feature political-type jobs around the country I get. I can forward them to you, if you want.

    Best of luck. We'll be thinking about you.

  3. Good luck! Hope you find something good soon.

  4. sounds cliche but I've known it to be true... when one door closes another one opens. Craig's list has a pretty active job board.

  5. Sorry to hear that. Hope you find something you like soon.

    I joined the ranks of the unemployed (or "funemployed" as I like to think of it in between panic attacks) on May 8. Yippee!
