Florida GOP

Friday, July 23, 2010

April Griffin Under Attack

April Griffin Is The Leading Voice For LGBT Equality On Tampa's School Board.

This is a tough re-election fight and April needs our help to win. This is one of those places where if we come together as a statewide community, we can defeat homophobia. Even $10 can make a big difference in a race like this - wherever you live in Florida, please donate to April today.

Support April Griffin for Hillsborough County School Board District 6.


  1. She SHOULD be under attack. She SUCKS. With a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA on the school board. Not only that she's been for SHIT. She and her husband sucking at the trough. Giving NOTHING. Why are you behind this woman ? Cause she's dragging A D behind her name?? She thinks MORE students should have technical training cause NOT THAT MANY are cut out for college. Um. No, April. That's JUST YOU, fake pearls. Go away. GO HOME and take a gd secretarial course.

  2. I Do Not Respond To Anonymous. If You Leave Your Name, Maybe We Can Chat.

  3. Oh, I'll respond! Because her opponent is Terry Kemple, best known as the former director of the Christian Coalition of Florida and Florida's Right to Life and president of the Community Issues Council, a local organization seeking to unite the church community against such perceived threats as gay marriage and bikini bars.

    This is guy wants to do the same thing here that was done in Texas, re-writing textbooks in his opinion and bringing the wall between church and state tumbling down.

    That enough reason, Anon?

  4. Gee stogie, I kinda thought you'd know it was me, vox. NO, Alex, it is NOT reason enough that she has a FOR SHIT OPPONENT that we elect SOME MORE SHIT again. The woman is an idiot. She is a democrat in name only. SHE has made statements that MORE students should be 'off the college list.' She has lied and run vendettas on fellow school employees. She's NO DEMOCRAT. She found ONE wedge issue GBLT. Wow Big FING DEAL. I hope a lot of them want to go to technical school because April did NOT attend college and therefore (I assume) believes that EVERYONE should follow in her footsteps. God Forbid someone grow smarter than she. She may be better than THIS moron but that's no reason to keep shoveling her at the kids. Get him in there and he'll get out. Keep HER in there and we'll be stuck with low expectations for the kids forever. But they can feel free to be gay. Whatever. OH MY GOD. I've seldom heard anything stupider. Let's see if I can get lee over here to illuminate April's flaws. The truth about April Griffin is that she is substandard. Wow. Great attribute.
    That's okay stogie: We're even. I don't Chat. There's not a word I hate more in the english language unless it's can't. Capitalized or no and btw you responded to me ... LOL

  5. alex, frankly I think that as a real reporter you SHOULD not have found the school board meetings boring. My God. I refer to your 2006 CL article when we first encountered the prevaricating ms. griffin. Wow. Lies. By her. Not you. I am glad to see you admitted you found it boring. Sure and so is social security BUT the one reporter who covered it well for the NY TIMES was found murdered on a sidewalk because he studied the issue until he understood it and was able to explain it in a way that the masses UNDERSTOOD it, as well. Not only that he was able to poke holes in the bush lies. Mulhern rode the SS lies into office and proceeded to shut down streets in Ybor city for david gee. Is that boring as well?
    Please aspire.
    Oh ye of small but for the gays minds. With a gay family member I can tell you this: yer all fucked up for voting issues. Or being bored by school board meetings. It's only the goddamn foundation of America: EDUCATION.
    I bet you can't say how Thomas Gonzalez ended up making so much money.
    I'm sure we'll never find your safe and unquestioning ass dead on a sidewalk. Pity. At least you'd leave behind good articles still readable for the knowledge of THE MASSES. Who don't find the important things boring once they educate themselves accordingly. FUCK. Stogie, NOW you can thank me.
    Smart as ever and not going anywhere any time soon. They sent alex to cover the school board meetings because they knew he would twiddle his thumbs and miss the details

  6. yeah, she has two other viable challengers. Todd Benjamin Fink and Sally Harris. I loathe when people try to pose an either/or. That's how we got stuck with SO MANY of our fearless leaders. Let April go get a real job. Behind the scenes she is supportive of fat face maryEllen Elia. It can't GET any worse. Every word she said during her campaign was a LIE now forgotten in the hunger of THIS campaign. End of story.

  7. I think Lee Drury DeCesare has pretty much addressed the issue of April Griffin. She's more qualified than any of us.
    Here ya go. Chat away.
    anonymous foxyvoxy

  8. April Griffin HAD to lie about everything in her campaign because she is truly not qualified. She had to lie about her successful business that fell into bankruptcy and fore closer--she was actually sued by the bank. Geeez! She kept her GED covered up by claiming to be pursuing a two-year degree for over the last four years! A GED is not the same as a high school diploma. You study for a three hour test for a GED while, you study for years at high school and you are responsible for attendance. People, do your homework--she is not qualified--she must lie.
