Florida GOP

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Ax The Tax" Attacks Mark Sharpe

"We're hopeful that Hillsborough County taxpayers will remove him from office based on his support of rail,"......Doug Guetzloe

Mark Sharpe
For County Commissioner, District 7
Did The Stogie Just Recommend A Republican?


  1. Stogie Did You Just Recommend A Republican?

  2. I'm with you on this one, Stogie.

    According to this Eyewitness News TV report on "Ax the Tax" chair Doug Guetzlo, he has been accused of "extorting" hush money from communities & organizations by threatening to campaign against them if they don't pay him. "He allegedly tried to get Orange County schools to pay him, "or else," while the Orlando Magic coughed up $200,000 to keep him from opposing a new arena."

    Plus you have political puppetmaster Sam Rashid circumventing campaign finance laws to fund the whole thing (he gave $20,000 to his boy Josh Burgin, Sharpe's opponent, and he's paying for expensive negative campaign mail). Legally each person is supposed to be limited to $500 total campaign contributions.
