Florida GOP

Friday, August 13, 2010

Joe Redner v. Ronda Storms

Rude Christians At Bell Shoals Baptist Church
Vote For Joe


  1. How exactly were the Christians rude? He entered a church and spewed garbage that he KNEW would be offensive to most folks there. I think they handled themselves well. He should have been carried out and thrown on his butt.

  2. On top of that, Rhonda Storms offered a kind and soft-spoken prayer for him. Again, I ask: WHAT ABOUT THAT WAS "rude?"

  3. if joe redner is an atheist why did he scream jesus christ at the political forum atheists are not suppose to belive in God or Jesus yet whean they swear they say jesus or god damn you dont hear them use harkrisnas name or budas name

  4. If you say you love your neighbor, then you love both. There aren't many differences between Ronda Storms and Joe Redner. They're both dishonest in their dealings - although they both try to hide that fact by being vocal menaces to society - and, they both love themselves more than anyone or anything on God's green earth - I believe that's called idolization, in several religions. I'm unimpressed no matter how the crowd responded. Jesus begged God's forgiveness for the people that heckled him, because, my interpretation is - generally speaking, we really don't know why we act the way we do.
