Florida GOP

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Local Republican: Scott D. Barrish

"Funny how the progressives have been the downfall of this once great nation."....Scott D. Barrish
Mr. Barrish, I suggest you track down Bush, Cheney and company and ask them about the downfall of this great nation. Please don't bring up Clinton and Obama. Clinton was no progressive and Obama inherited the mess. And whats up with nominating a corporate criminal to be our govenor?


  1. Scott D. Barrish, BSW7:11 PM, August 29, 2010

    While I'm at work right now and there is a lull in activity, I will provide a cursory response and then a more detailed one tomorrow.

    1) Mr. Scott was never indicted nor tried for ANY criminal act. Provide evidence to the contrary and then we can address your red herring topic of Mr. Scott being a criminal. Secondly, if he was convicted of a crime, and the ones you're alluding to, then there would also be restoration of civil rights paperwork available to as a requirement to show he could qualify with the FL Dept. of State; provide those copies as well. ...

    2) I am a student of mental health, so your statement of trying NOT to discuss Clinton and Obama is an obvious place to start. However, in my detailed response I will spare that embarrassment and actually start much earlier in our nation's history.

    3) Last thing I'll address, and in more detail later, is to stop using the excuse of, "...Obama inherited the mess... ." When are liberals going to take accountability for their actions since 2004? Remember, CONGRESS, not the Exec., taxes and spends!

    I hope this is a start of open civil dialouge.


  2. Great open civil dialouge!

