Florida GOP

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Exploding Whales In The Gulf Of Mexico

A Massive Cover-Up In The Gulf
"...dolphins whales, seabirds fish are all floating dead on the surface of the water.. see more.. see more.. boats helicopters are scooping them away dead and dying...
Whales are being exploded by the military cause they cant be carried.
dead bodys as far as the eye can see air smeling of benzene ..weve seen birds fall from the sky."

-- Part of an unconfirmed text message from an anonymous
cleanup worker, at BP's oil spill, to his wife, ca. early June 2010



  1. WHo took the photo. That is under water and the water is awfully clear. Looks 'shopped to me.

  2. These criminals that run our country and allowed this to happen are real anti-social, dangerous psychopaths that are addicted to $$$, it is their heroin...and I include every congressperson that took money from BIG OIL to finance their campaign. This is evil...

  3. @anonymous...may have floated far away from original area where it died...disagree that it was photo shopped...not enough info to draw that conclusion...
