Florida GOP

Monday, September 20, 2010

Morgan Freeman Is Suing Saint Petersblog

"The bottom line I am not taking down the post, in fact, I stand by its content and message now more so than ever.".....Peter Schorsch

The Stogie use to really like Mr. Freeman. But lately i don't know. First he gets a divorce from a woman he has been married to for 26 years to marry his 27-year-old step-granddaughter. The 73 year old oscar-winner has vowed to make a "decent" woman out of his step-granddaughter and father her children. Gross!
And now he is picking on a blogger.


  1. OMG it's OUR FANTASY to be sued. What did he SAY?? LOL. It's prolly a deal between them to push stpetersblog... tell the troot.
    They look happy.. I have not read the post. So I'm just jousting.

    I guess that Morgan took that bucketlist pretty seriously. It's his life ..... there have been some odd things cropping up .. but again, it's his life. He's given us a lot. At what cost? At least he hasn't gone all oprah on us.

  2. I Hate this kinda story. Not cause it makes Morgan Freeman seem kinda...creepy(it does). I hate it cause it would not even be worth reporting if it wasn't a "Star". What crime or even sin took place here? Nothing? Did I miss something. Morgan F. is an Actor, right? Not running for office or trying to force his way of life down my throat? Oh.

    Okay imagine this: Some guy shows up at your job. Walks right in and starts giving anybody who will listen his opinion about your very personal life. Not your job performance, your life. Not that this guy even knows you. He just learned all about your completely legal home life from another guy who also doesn't know you. He speaks with the authority of someone without sins and a handful of stones. And he speaks loudly. about your husband or wife. Me, I would not sue the guy. But I'm not 73 with enuff money to really make a person really feel my anger. Barring that option Me and a lot of others may have responded with an actual crime. Imjussayin..
