Florida GOP

Friday, October 15, 2010

Beckner, Ferlita, White And Sharpe

Citizens Win On Community Plans
Hagan & Higginbotham opposed the motion, voting for the special interests, while Kevin Beckner & Rose Ferlita led the board in voting for the citizens' interests, joined by Kevin White & Mark Sharpe......more

(The) hearing provided a good look at the stark differences between Ken Hagan & Linda Saul-Sena, who is running against him for a countywide commission seat, as Saul-Sena spoke up from her background as a planner on behalf of the citizens, while Hagan fought for the developers who are contributing so heavily to his campaign.
E-Mail Or Call And Thank Them
Rose Ferlita, District 1
Phone: ( 813 ) 272-5470

Kevin White, District 3
Phone: ( 813 ) 272-5720

Kevin Beckner, District 6
Phone: 272-5730

Mark Sharpe, District 7
Phone: 272-5735

These Two Guys, Ken Hagan And Al Higginbotham, Remember Them In The Voting Booth.

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