Florida GOP

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Right Wing Trash

Liberal (Socialist) Rally Leaves Lincoln Memorial Ridden With Trash
The liberal “One Nation Working Together” rally in Washington Saturday was a trashy affair — much trashier than Fox News host Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally held at the end of August, at least according to one member (who didn’t want to be identified by name)......
The Daily Caller

“I consider [The Daily Caller’s article] to be highly inaccurate. The garbage at the “One Nation” rally was no different than any other rally. Trash, it seems, is apolitical......Bill Line, Spokesmen for the National Park Service

Looking at the pic of the trash can and the field behind it. I think those Liberal Socialist Commies did a fine job. For the real Pigs at the Trough, check out these comments

The Stogie is sorry. He usually dosn't post Right Wing Propaganda but was asked to by a friend!


  1. You know some of my friends read your blog even when I don't have time. It's much easier to get a bunch of intelligent people to post when you write it up. Weren't they DISGUSTING??? They're so juvenile. I really never read so much nastiness .. I couldn't go on past the first page that's when I brought it over here. Talking about walking and the democrats all live in pigsties .... I think we should pay attention when they get that posted to YAHOO where some idiots believe is mainstream media. It stayed up there for hours. Thanks for hitting it. Hope you went and had your say. I don't mind calling a pig a pig but to group all dems as pigs because they were jealous that we have all the cool, good-looking people was just over the line. Big babies.LOL

  2. oh you missed all the nasty stuff they posted on yahoo buzz. like 80 comments in less than an hour .. you could tell they worked at it. the daily call is disgusting .. but it was the yahoo comments that were pretty bad.
