Florida GOP

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cigar City Brewing’s Tasting Room

Threatened By Gwen Miller, Thomas Scott And Curtis Stokes.
Cigar City opened a tasting room last year to much success. By being able to extend their hours of operation and sell and serve beer on premises, this local business was able to increase its employee count from 2 to 22. Now they are facing a huge problem. Three members of Tampa City Council have voted to not make the wet-zoning permanent, which would essentially force the closing of the Tasting Room.


So as the citizenry, we have a responsibility to make our voices heard. Tell the Tampa City Council not to vote for killing jobs. Tell them not to vote for limiting growth. Tell them to reward success and not punish it.
And Tell Charlie Miranda To Show Up For Work!
Thank You Mary Mulhern, Yvonne Yolie Capin And Joseph Caetano.
Update: Lisa From Cigar City Magazine Heard From A Good Source That Gwen Miller Voted No Because Of Joe Redner Sr. His Son Joey Redner Is Founder And Owner Of Cigar City. If This Is The Case Ms. Miller Doesn't Need To Be Voting At All.
For More Updates On This, Visit.....Mike Loves Beer.

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