Florida GOP

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Keep Nancy Pelosi

In a fresh sign of turmoil among defeated Democrats, a growing number of the rank and file say they won't support House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a politically symbolic roll call when the new Congress meets in January.

"The reality is that she is politically toxic.".....Rep. Mike Quigley

"There's "starting to be a sense that this may not be as much of a done deal as people might have thought,".....Rep. Jason Altmire

"Why's she running for minority leader in the first place?' We just got thumped in this election in a major way".....Rep. Jim Matheson

May I Remind These Gentlemen That They (Blue Dogs) Just Got Thumped.
And Ms. Castor What Are You Thinking? I'm Telling Your Mom.
Sign the petition showing your support for Nancy Pelosi.....here

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